Friday, January 14, 2011

" Police " Knock Knock Joke



Don't mess with the police.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

" Lettuce " Knock Knock Joke. :)

Knock Knock Joke # 1
" Lettuce "
More knock knock joke illustrations will be on my " Knock Knock Jokes :) " page in the tab below the banner at the top of the page or to your right, click on the pink button with my kitty that say " Knock Knock Jokes " :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Brittany Ended Up On The School Cafeteria Floor

One day at lunch me, Brittany, Julie, and Meegan were just laughing at who knows what and all the sudden, Meegan decides she's going to get risky and put a meatball on her spork. Yes, Firefox spell check, I mean spork.


And Julie thought that was funny.
A little TOO funny.
She bumped Meegan's hand and the meatball went flying.

I could see exactly what was coming.
*Imagine a slow motion "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" here*

heh heh...

oh no ... :(

And that's how Brittany ended up on the school cafeteria floor.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cupcake Maker

So, today my family went to my grandparents house and we were having a grand old time.
But then, it all headed downhill.
My niece, told her dad:
Only to be told 'not right now, baby.'
And...that didn't go so well.



Wait a second...did you say cookies?
Not that I care...
who cares?


Oh. They're chocolate chip, you say?



Obviously, this is way over dramatic, but I think you get the moral of the story -
"Cookies solve everything."

Saturday, January 1, 2011

hello, my name's lauren. :)

My name is Lauren, and this is my brand new blog, ta-da! Fingers crossed it doesn't flop :|
Well, what am I, an average teenager, doing with a blog?
You see, I draw.
With paint.
The most awful drawings you have ever seen. :D
That's what makes it funny. (:
I got my inspiration from the absolutely hilarious website, Hyperbole and a Half. That girl, is a genius, I swear. So check out her website! You'll definitely laugh. (:
Hopefully I can make you laugh as well with my drawings, even if it's nothing more than because my drawings are the quality of a preschooler. :)
-Lauren. (:
p.s. Happy one / one / one one :)