Saturday, January 1, 2011

hello, my name's lauren. :)

My name is Lauren, and this is my brand new blog, ta-da! Fingers crossed it doesn't flop :|
Well, what am I, an average teenager, doing with a blog?
You see, I draw.
With paint.
The most awful drawings you have ever seen. :D
That's what makes it funny. (:
I got my inspiration from the absolutely hilarious website, Hyperbole and a Half. That girl, is a genius, I swear. So check out her website! You'll definitely laugh. (:
Hopefully I can make you laugh as well with my drawings, even if it's nothing more than because my drawings are the quality of a preschooler. :)
-Lauren. (:
p.s. Happy one / one / one one :)


♥ Katelyn ♥ said...

I... LOVE your drawings

cybermutiny said...

Your MS Paint skills are so...intimidating! We're almost afraid to ask you, but we will anyway: you may consider showing off your incredible artistic prowess by posting funny pictures at Paint Avant-Garde.

Good Day